Brazil inflation pulled up by food, education
The rate stood at 0.43%, higher than January’s 0.32% Brazil’s National Broad Consumer Price Index—IPCA in the original acronym—which gauges the country’s official inflation, was reported at 0.43 percent in February this year. The rate is higher than January’s 0.32 percent, as per figures released today (Mar. 12) by the government statistics agency IBGE. The […]
New Central Bank president advocates autonomy, low inflation
Roberto Campos Neto delivered his first address after taking office In his first address in his new post, Roberto Campos Neto, president of Brazil’s Central Bank, advocated the institution’s formal autonomy. He said he will seek to keep inflation at low levels and in check, and vowed to continue enhancing transparency in the communication with […]
Brazil drops visa for Japan
The Brazilian government has made official its decision no longer to require a visa from Canadian, Australian, Japanese, and US nationals visiting Brazil. The move will be officially announced by President Jair Bolsonaro Tuesday (Mar. 19) during his official trip to the US. The waiver will cover visitors coming to the country for purposes of […]
JETRO – 国営石油会社ペトロブラスは2月27日、2018年の決算を発表した。純利益は257億7,900万レアル(約7,733億7,000万円、1レアル=約30円)と、5年ぶりの黒字となった。国際的な原油価格の低下、2016年までの労働者党政権時代の汚職問題や過剰投資などの要因から、同社の財政状況は悪化していたが、経営の立て直しに注力してきた。 決算内容によると、純利益が前年の4億4,600万レアルの赤字から黒字に転換した点に加え、純債務の利払い前・税引き前・減価償却前利益、いわゆるEBITDA(1,148億5,200万レアル)に対する比率が2018年末時点で2.34以下となり、目標としていた2.5を下回る水準となった。2018年の純債務は694億ドルと、2015年の1,004億ドルから着実に減少している。同社の資料によると、2018年のブレント原油価格は71ドルと前年の54ドルから大きく上昇し、燃料など国内向け石油派生品価格の引き上げ、資産売却や事務的経費の削減、利払いの低下といった要因が同社の財務指標改善に貢献したとされる。 同社による石油・天然ガス生産量は2018年に日量263万バレル(うち海外が10万バレル)で、前年比5%減だった。減少の理由として、既存油田の売却を挙げている。一方で、プレソルト(岩塩層下)油田の生産量は日量175万バレルで前年比9%増、さらに、2月までに6つの新たなFPSO(浮体式石油ガス生産貯蔵積出設備)による採掘・生産システムが稼働しており、さらなる生産量増加が期待されている。2019年には第6回プレソルト石油鉱区入札が予定されており、鉱区開発に向けた投資で2019年は14億ドルと、前年の5億ドルから増加させる方針だ。
Market openness to make Brazil’s oil industry more competitive
The statement was made by the director of the National Oil Agency Décio Oddone, director-general at Brazil’s National Agency for Oil, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP), said today (Feb. 20) that holding auction in the pre-salt area to attract investment from major corporations is not enough to make the oil industry successful in the country. […]
Brazil gov’t to propose 35-year contribution for military
A proposal for military agents will be sent to Congress in 30 days The Brazilian government is pushing to increase the contribution period of military agents from 30 to 35 years, said Special Secretary for Social Security Rogério Marinho. A specific bill with the pension rules for members of the Armed Forces will be submitted […]
Curso gratuito de Crescimento Pessoal e Formação de Novos Voluntários
Formação de voluntários para a LAL no Japão A LAL vai iniciar a formação de novas turmas de voluntários através do curso intitulado “ Crescimento Profissional”. A LAL – Linha de Apoio ao Latino é uma instituição asem fins lucrativos que da apoio emocional aos latinos americanos no Japão. Período de Maio a Dezembro de […]
Brazil vice-president praises anti-crime bill
“It’s all the people expect from us,” Hamilton Mourão declared AGENCIA BRASIL – Brazil’s vice-President Hamilton Mourão said that the anti-crime bill, drafted by Minister of Justice and Public Security Sergio Moro is what “the people expects” from the government. “The bill […] aims at the question of criminal execution, corruption, and slush funds. This […]
Brazil wants compensation for EU safeguards on steel goods
European Union unveiled 25 percent tariffs on imports AGENCIA BRASIL – The Brazilian government said Tuesday (Jan. 5) that the circumstances under the Agreement on Safeguards of the World Trade Organization (WTO) for the provision of compensation applicable in case of tariffs, with quotas of 25 percent on steel imports, as recently announced by the […]
Brazil’s pension reform to be submitted to Congress this month
The announcement was made by vice-President Hamilton Mourão The text for the reform in Brazil’s pension system being drafted by the government will be considered by President Jair Bolsonaro and should be submitted to Congress sometime early this month. The announcement was made by vice-President Hamilton Mourão, who presided over a cabinet meeting Tuesday (Jan. […]