Toffoli overturns decision to release convicts with appeals ongoing

Brazil’s Supreme Court Chief Justice Dias Toffoli suspended a decision by Justice Marco Aurélio ruling the release of all convicts with final appeals still ongoing. In the move, Toffoli suspends a provisional injunction as requested by the country’s Prosecutor-General Raquel Dodge.

Central Bank keeps estimated growth at 2.4% in 2019

Brazil’s Central Bank kept its forecast for the growth of the country’s economy in 2019. The estimated gross domestic product stood at 2.4 percent, according to official figures. The projection is said to be based on the continuous overhauls and adjustments in the Brazilian economy, “especially of a fiscal nature,” the institute reported. The estimates […]

Another 10 million Brazilians started going online 2016–2017

Agência Brasil – The proportion of Brazilians aged ten and older—181 billion people—who use the internet rose from 64.7 to 69.8 percent 2016–2017. These are nearly 10 million new users from the second half year of 2017 to that of the following year. Figures were released today (Dec. 20) by Brazil’s statistics agency IBGE. All […]

Expertise na atuação como Assessoria de Imprensa

Nosso expertise está na atuação como Assessoria de Imprensa, organizando ações voltadas para a imprensa japonesa; entre as quais, a produção e distribuição de Press Releases, organização de entrevistas coletivas, coordenação e treinamento para o atendimento da imprensa.

Somos uma agência de comunicação

Somos uma agência de comunicação brasileira atuando no mercado japonês, com missão de aprimorar as relações entre ambos os países com ações de Comunicação.

Top court justice orders release of convicts with appeals ongoing

Supreme Court Justice Marco Aurélio Mello issued Wednesday (Dec. 19) a preliminary injunction ordering the release of all convicts who had their sentence confirmed by an appeal court, but who still have final appeals ongoing. A request had been submitted by the Communist Party of Brazil, PCdoB. The ruling may benefit 169.3 thousand prisoners, including […]

Brazil’s GDP up 1.2% in quarter ending in October

Agência Brasil – Brazil’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew 1.2 percent in the quarter ending in October this year, compared to the quarter finished in July. The increase was driven by highs of 1.4 percent in industry, and 1.2 percent in services. Agriculture and livestock was the only one among the bulky sectors with a […]

Brazil president quips, says he will miss “Temer out”

Agência Brasil – In a playful tone, President Michel Temer said he will miss the shouts of “Fora, Temer” (“Temer out!”), often heard at anti-government demonstrations since he took office in May 2016. The good-humored statement was made today (Dec. 19), during his last cabinet meeting. After January, the president said, after Jair Bolsonaro takes […]

A importância dos Hazard Map

Os Hazard Maps são mapas que destacam as áreas de risco ou áreas vulneráveis. Esses mapas são criados para prevenção de perigos naturais, como terremotos, vulcões, deslizamentos de terra, inundações e tsunamis.  Os mapas de risco ajudam a evitar danos e mortes. A grande parte das prefeituras japonesas possui esses mapa, vale a pena verificar […]

Aplicativo avisa sobre terremotos

A empresa japonesa RC Solution Co. colocou à dispisção para uso nos smart phones um aplicativo que avisa com antecedência os terremotos no Japão. O Yurekuru é gratuito e possibilita o seu ajuste para a região onde você mora no Japão e o nível de terremoto que você quer que ele avise. Abaixo, a tela de avisando […]